The play is set in the dining room of a typical well-to-do household, the place where the
family assembled daily for breakfast and dinner and for any and all special occasions.
The action is comprised of a mosaic of interrelated scenes—some funny, some
touching, some rueful—which, taken together, create an in-depth portrait of a vanishing
species: the upper-middle-class WASP. The actors change roles, personalities and
ages with virtuoso skill as they portray a wide variety of characters, from little boys to
stern grandfathers, and from giggling teenage girls to Irish housemaids. Each vignette
introduces a new set of people and events; a father lectures his son on grammar and
politics; a boy returns from boarding school to discover his mother's infidelity; a senile
grandmother doesn't recognize her own sons at Christmas dinner; a daughter, her
marriage a shambles, pleads futilely to return home, etc. Dovetailing swiftly and
smoothly, the varied scenes coalesce, ultimately, into a theatrical experience of
exceptional range, compassionate humor and abundant humanity.
This modern musical ingeniously chronicles the five-year life of a marriage, from
meeting to break-up and from break-up to meeting. An emotionally powerful and
intimate one act musical about two New Yorkers in their twenties who fall in and out of
love over the course of five years, the show's unconventional structure consists of
Cathy, the woman, telling her story backwards while Jamie, the man, tells his story
chronologically; the two characters only meet once, at their wedding in the middle of the
show. Rated: PG-13
Directed by - Matt Hatfield
WorWic Community College
Fri 4/5/19 8:00 PM |
Sat 4/6/19 2:00 PM |
Sat 4/6/19 8:00 PM |
Fri 4/12/19 8:00 PM |
Sat 4/13/19 2:00 PM |
Dirty Rotten Scoundrels, based on the popular 1988 MGM film, takes us to the French
Riviera for high jinks and hilarity. Sophisticated, suave with a good dash of mischief, this
hysterical comedy features a delightfully jazzy score.
Lawrence Jameson makes his lavish living by talking rich ladies out of their money.
Freddy Benson more humbly swindles women by waking their compassion with
fabricated stories about his grandmother's failing health. After meeting on a train, they
attempt to work together, only to find that this small French town isn't big enough for the
two of them. They agree on a settlement: the first one to extract $50,000 from a young
female target, heiress, Christine Colgate, wins, and the other must leave town. A
hilarious battle of cons ensues that will keep audiences laughing, humming and
guessing to the end! Rated: PG-13
Directed by - Ken Johnson
Bennett High School
Fri 6/28/19 8:00 PM |
Sat 6/29/19 8:00 PM |
Sun 6/30/19 2:00 PM |
By Nora Ephron and Delia Ephron
In celebration of International Women's Month, Players and SWAC presents visual and performing arts produced by women including this funny and touching performance.
A one act 90 minute play of monologues and ensemble pieces about women, clothes
and memory covering all the important subjects—mothers, prom dresses, mothers,
buying bras, mothers, hating purses and why we only wear black. Based on the
bestselling book by Ilene Beckerman.
Rated: PG-13 "Some mature themes and language"
Directed by - Robin Finley Technical Director - Sharon Benchoff
Seating is limited, so order soon. All tickets $10
Fri 3/8/19 7:00 PM at St. Peter's Fellowship Hall on the Salisbury Plaza |
Fri 3/15/19 7:00 PM at SWAC |
Sat 3/30/19 2:00 PM at SWAC |
Sat 4/27/19 2:00 PM at UMES |
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